4,693 SF High Visibility Office/Retail Space
$16.00 Per Sqft
Listing Resources
Listing Description
The office/retail space features a large open cubicle area with 5 private offices. It is equipped with heating and colling systems throughout the office/retail space, ensuring a comfortable environment year around. It includes a conference room, breakroom and restrooms, as well as kitchenette. This well-appointed space is ideal for efficient and versatile retail/office operations.
The 4,693 SF office/retail space is strategically situated in Sauget, IL, just off interstate 255, making it easily accessible for transportation and logistics. It’s close proximity to St. Louis, MO, offers convenient access to a major metropolitan area. It is located off of I-255 at Exit 15 (near Grizzlies Ballpark).
Lease Rate: $16.00/SF, Gross
Listing Details

- Office: 618-277-4400 Ext. 18
- Mobile: 618-407-4240
- tonys@barbermurphy.com

Zuber - CCIM, SIOR
- Office: 618-277-4400 Ext. 13
- Mobile: 314-409-7283
- steve@barbermurphy.com