Contact Scott
Scott has more than 35 years of experience in the design/build industrial construction industry in Southern Illinois and Eastern Missouri. As a broker with BARBERMURPHY, he leverages that experience every day, working primarily with clients seeking sites and industrial real estate properties in Southern Illinois.
Few industrial brokers in the St. Louis/Metro East/Southern Illinois market have the extensive industrial construction experience Scott does, which enables him to size up what needs to be done to a property almost immediately, as well as provide a rough idea of cost for the prospective buyer.
Throughout his real estate career, Scott has created opportunities and relationships to drive new projects and re-purpose existing industrial properties all over Southern Illinois. He has helped owners and developers select appropriate sites, locate incentives and alternative financing. He has also worked on behalf of owners with design professionals in conceptual design and successfully estimated, managed and constructed millions of square feet of industrial facilities of all kinds.
Among his most notable transactions are the successful development and build out of industrial parks in Wentzville and O’Fallon, Mo., plus Litchfield, Ill.
Scott grew up in the small farming and mining community of Carlinville, Ill. He was the oldest child on a family-owned dairy/hog/crop farm and sat at the table with his parents when important decisions were made regarding the family business.
That experience gives Scott a unique vantage point to truly understand the financial and emotional parameters of family-owned businesses, whether they be new or generations old, enabling him to relate to many of his clients who also operate family owned businesses.
Scott recognizes the importance of working with both metropolitan and rural communities, as well as the unique challenges involved in each. Passionate about rural economic industrial development, Scott volunteers with Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunity (CEO), a year-long program in which rural high school seniors meet daily for 90 minutes before school and are exposed to businesses and business leaders, preparing them for the professional world.
Scott lives in Carlinville with his wife Jane.
Wisdom comes from experience, usually bad experience. Being 60 years old and having strived to live life to the fullest means I believe I have obtained a fair amount of wisdom. I enjoy sharing it to help others succeed in their own endeavors.
Scott B. Reichmann
Organizational Affiliations
- Riverbend Growth Association -- Board Member
- Macoupin County CEO Program -- Board Member
- MJM Electric Co-Operative -- Advisory Board Member
- Colorado State University -- Ft. Collins, Colo.
- Florida Institute of Technology -- Melbourne, Fla. -- Bachelor's Degree in Air Commerce